Cannibalism in Latin-Greek sources: its references in mythology and ancient philosophy


  • Domingo F. Sanz



Cannibalism, Latin-Greek literature, mythology, philosophy, Seneca, Ovid


This article tries to analyze and comment on the greater amount of references regarding the phenomenon of cannibalism that there exists in Greek and Latin literary tradition. After reviewing many of the sources, it is possible to distinguish the different ways in which this tradition approached such phenomenon and to discover a common intention: starting from the mythology or the Homeric epic, going through the different philosophical trends and schools of thought, we will begin to realize and conclude that in many occasions there is a use of the concept of cannibalism to negatively define «the other», the outcast or foreigner, opening thus a topic that still survives nowadays.


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How to Cite

Sanz, D. F. (2013). Cannibalism in Latin-Greek sources: its references in mythology and ancient philosophy. Emerita, 81(1), 111–135.


