Imago rapti: CERES’ wrath in Claud., Pros. III 260-268


  • Gabriela A. Marrón Universidad Nacional del Sur - CONICET



epic, simil, wrath, Claudian


This article explores the comparison, made by Claudian in The Rape of Proserpine, between the wrath of Ceres when her daughter disappears and the wrath of Hyrcanian tigress when their cubs are stolen. We will try to demonstrate that the most relevant precedent for the interpretation of the simile is not —as has been argued by critics— a fragment of the Thebaid of Statius, but Achilles’ wrath after the death of Patroclus, in Iliad XVI. In turn, we will study the relationship between the analogy proposed by Claudian and a particular fragment of Saint Ambrose’s Hexameron, which might have been one of the immediate sources for the above comparison.


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How to Cite

Marrón, G. A. (2013). Imago rapti: CERES’ wrath in Claud., Pros. III 260-268. Emerita, 81(1), 137–150.


