The Concept of Religion in Aeschylus: Terminological Reflection


  • Esteban Calderón Dorda Universidad de Murcia



Aeschylus, Greek Religion, Lexicology


It is a well known fact that the Greeks had no one term equivalent to the Latin term religio in their language, and therefore made use of a variety of terms to express this relationship with divinity. Aeschylus who is an author who reflected in his plays a deep religious thought and, on a theological level, ideas which are among the most important of his time, could be a good laboratory in which to profoundly analyse the different terminology used to define that relationship with God. In this sense, the term εὐσέβεια seems to define this relationship with divinity better than any other term.


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How to Cite

Calderón Dorda, E. (2013). The Concept of Religion in Aeschylus: Terminological Reflection. Emerita, 81(2), 295–313.




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