The Text of Terence: New Information in Light of the Commentum Monacense


  • Enara San Juan Manso UPV/EHU



Terence, text, transmission, Commentum Monacense


Within the complex history of the text of Terence, the lemma of the Commentum Monacense, transmited in the MS. München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 14420, f. 79-144 (M), belong to the so-called θ family. The lemma of M are, throughout the six comedies of Terence, so similar to the text of the MS. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 7900A (Pc) that an immediate common model must be postulated. The glossa of M and Pc suggest, on the one hand, that this model would be located in a relatively high position of the stemma of the text of Terence and, on the other hand, that the model, simulteneously containing readings of the δ and γ branches, would habe been collated with the help of another MS. with specific readings of each branch.


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How to Cite

San Juan Manso, E. (2014). The Text of Terence: New Information in Light of the Commentum Monacense. Emerita, 82(1), 99–123.


