Demosthenes’ patrimony as hegemonía of his symmonía: eisphorá and proeisphorá after 378 BC


  • Miriam Valdés Guía Universidad Complutense de Madrid



war tax, Callistratos’ reforms, Demosthenes’ tímema, the Three hundred


Demosthenes Against Afobus’ texts, in which there appears his tímema and his participation in the eisphorá or proeisphorá, have been widely debated, though some doubts have not been been cleared satisfactorily on his participation in this type of tax in times of war. The reflection on these questions from these texts they help to clarify, nevertheless, the dynamics of the imposition of the eisphorá and of the proeisphorá in the first years after Callistratos’ reforms in 378 B.C., because his contribution to this war tax is the main argument of Demosthenes to try to demonstrate that his father left his tutors more heritage than they claimed. The Demosthenes’ tímema was making it capable of joining the group of Three hundred, who were able to contribute, as we argued in these pages, to the advancement of eisphorá, if they were required to do so, even before the 262, date of the first known proeisphorá.


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How to Cite

Valdés Guía, M. (2014). Demosthenes’ patrimony as hegemonía of his symmonía: eisphorá and proeisphorá after 378 BC. Emerita, 82(2), 249–271.




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