Hoopoes, cuckoos and birds of prey: the authorship of Sophocles, Fr. 581 R. (Arist., HA 633a 17-28) (Tereus)


  • Miryam Librán Moreno Universidad de Extremadura




Tereus, Itys, Sophocles, ornithology, Philocles, Aristotle, History of Animals


Some mythographical and ornithological details in S., Fr. 581 R. (Tereus’ metamorphosis into both a hoopoe and a hawk; Itys’ transformation into a raptor), preserved by Aristotle, HA 633a17-28, are not compatible with what can be known of Sophocles’ Tereus. Such a discrepance casts doubts on the Sophoclean authorship of the fragment.


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How to Cite

Librán Moreno, M. (2015). Hoopoes, cuckoos and birds of prey: the authorship of Sophocles, Fr. 581 R. (Arist., HA 633a 17-28) (Tereus). Emerita, 83(2), 247–263. https://doi.org/10.3989/emerita.2015.11.1411


