Verg., Ecl. X 64-68 and the end of the Bucolics


  • Paola Gagliardi Università degli Studi della Basilicata



Vergil, Theocritus


Virgil’s Ecl. X 64-68 is a good point about the theme of farewell to the poetry, developed in the eclogue, and the relationship with Theoc. VII 111- 114 is very interesting. These verses, however, also refer to Ecl. I 61-66, and thus join the beginning and the end of Virgil’s bucolic liber, but also affirm again the great differences between Virgil’s and Theocritus’ poetry.


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How to Cite

Gagliardi, P. (2015). Verg., Ecl. X 64-68 and the end of the Bucolics. Emerita, 83(2), 289–307.


