Ovid´s Heroides, between East and West





Ovid, Maximos Planudes, Greek and Latin Palaeography, Textual Transmission


This paper focuses on the textual transmission of Planudes´ Greek version of Ovid´s Heroides. Special attention is paid to the specimen Scor. Y III 13. The examination of its Greek and Latin glosses reveals that, after being used by Demetrius Triclinius, this codex circulated in the 14th century in a linguistically mixed environment, probably Crete, where it was used to learn Greek.


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How to Cite

Martínez Manzano, T. (2018). Ovid´s Heroides, between East and West. Emerita, 86(1), 93–107. https://doi.org/10.3989/emerita.2018.05.1638




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