Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism in the work of Ausonius




Ausonius, Phytagoras, Pythagoreanism, ethics


This article states and explains the different references contained in the work of Decimus Magnus Ausonius to the character of Pythagoras and to some aspects of his thinking, as well as the references to other characters and ethical contents of the Pythagorean circle. Their superficial knowledge and nature make the author assume that the reception of Phytagoras and the Pythagoreanism in Western late antiquity was limited and derived from a study of indirect sources (e.g. Greek biographers or Latin authors) instead of the study of texts from this philosophical school of thought. Furthermore, these references normally derive from well known ethical contents, frequently assimilable to the Stoicism.


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How to Cite

Alvar Ezquerra, A. (2019). Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism in the work of Ausonius. Emerita, 87(1), 123–137.




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