A New Latin Funerary Inscription from Gharandal (Southern Jordan)





Roman funerary epigraphy, Gharandal (southern Jordan), Arabia Petraea, Cohors Ulpia miliaria


The aim of this paper is to bring to light, edit and contextualize a Latin inscription from Gharandal (the ancient Arindela or Arieldela; Roman province of Arabia Petraea [al-Tafilah Governorate; Southern Jordan]). The piece, dating probably from the 2nd century AD, is the gravestone of Spratus, a soldier of a cohors Ulp(ia) mil(iaria), hard to identify with any of the other cohortes Ulpiae known from the epigraphic evidence. This new inscription is interesting not only because it enlarges the short catalogue of Latin epigraphy in the area, but also because it broadens our knowledge of the Roman military occupation of the new province of Arabia in the first half of the 2nd century


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How to Cite

Fontana Elboj, G. ., & Al-Rawahneh, M. R. . (2020). A New Latin Funerary Inscription from Gharandal (Southern Jordan). Emerita, 88(2), 339–359. https://doi.org/10.3989/emerita.2020.16.2005




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