Literary Models for the Episode of the Bees in Iamblichus’s Babylonian Stories (Phot., Bibl. XCIV 3-4)




Iamblichus the novelist, Babylonian Stories, Xenophon, folktale, bees


This paper studies two literary models that served as inspiration for the episode of the bees in Iamblichus’s Babylonian Stories (Phot., Bibl. XCIV 3-4): X., An. IV 8.20-21, which relates the Greek soldiers’ poisoning after eating toxic honey, and a folktake independently attested by Ant. Lib. XIX 1-3, Cono XXXV, and Ael., NA XVII 45, dealing with the assault carried out against honey thieves by sacred bees nesting in a cave. Iamblichus mixes both literary models to suit his creative purpose.


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How to Cite

Librán Moreno, M. . (2021). Literary Models for the Episode of the Bees in Iamblichus’s Babylonian Stories (Phot., Bibl. XCIV 3-4). Emerita, 89(1), 27–47.




Funding data

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Grant numbers FFI2014-55244-P