The Flamboyant Phasis (and the Phoenix). Note to Mart. V 7 and 8




pheasant, phoenix, Martial


Mart. V 7 and V 8 can be read as a polished dyptich, due to the resemblance of the phoenix, a symbol of the noua Roma financed by Domitian at the beginning of V 7, and the character satirized in V 8: the flamboyant Phasis, whose name, appearance and behaviour suggest the figure of the pheasant. As a result, in identifying the fabulous bird with the Phasides, or birds from the Phasis, Martial anticipates Lactantius’ poetic comparison and Cuvier’s ornithological corroboration of this connection.


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How to Cite

Marina Castillo, A. . (2022). The Flamboyant Phasis (and the Phoenix). Note to Mart. V 7 and 8. Emerita, 90(1), 83–104.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers FFI2009-10058

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