Aphrodite’s Influence on Animals in the Homeric Hymn V





Homeric Hymn V to Aphrodite, animals in antiquity, Aphrodite, potnia therôn, sexuality


The aim of the article is to examine the presence of animals in the sphere of activity of the goddess Aphrodite and its implications for her depiction in the Homeric Hymn V. From 5th century BC onwards the extent of the goddess’ influence on animals becomes evident in texts; nevertheless, in Early Greek literature, where only gods and mortals are capable of feeling her power, the poem is an exception. This study provides an outline of the distinctive traits of the divinity and of the hymn itself, which will be useful to contextualize the analysis of certain passages that deserve particular attention, namely those where Aphrodite’s power over animals is disclosed: h.Ven., 1-6 and 68-74. These excerpts will be the basis for a detailed analysis of the motif of Aphrodite as mistress of animals (πότνια θηρῶν). Finally, a set of conclusions is drawn.


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How to Cite

Flores Rivas, M. . (2022). Aphrodite’s Influence on Animals in the Homeric Hymn V. Emerita, 90(2), 227–251. https://doi.org/10.3989/emerita.2022.02.2139




Funding data

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Grant numbers PID2019-107741GB-I00