Philological and historical notes on the introduction of a letter sent by the emperor Honorius to the army (Epistula Honorii)




Codex of Roda, Kingdom of Pamplona, Late Antique imperial texts, Hispania, Barbarian invasions of the fifth century, Pompelo / Pampilona


A tenth-century manuscript, composed in the Kingdom of Pamplona’s courtly circle, transmits a letter by the emperor Honorius to the troops stationed in the city of Pamplona. The brief introduction that precedes the letter features information crucial to the understanding and interpretation of the rest of the text. This article seeks to reevaluate existing scholarship on its content, firstly, by analysing the function of the whole text within the manuscript’s conception and tradition and, secondly, by looking at other Late Antique and Early Medieval sources, to try to recontextualise the prefatory text. My main argument is that an anonymous author from the Kingdom of Pamplona wrote it, or the compilers of the code modified it to suit their own interests.


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How to Cite

Setién García, C. (2023). Philological and historical notes on the introduction of a letter sent by the emperor Honorius to the army (Epistula Honorii). Emerita, 91(1), 123–148.




Funding data

European Research Council
Grant numbers 101001991