Was Dio of Prusa actually sentenced to exile? The 13th Oration: between literary idealization and historical-legal reconstruction (with an Apendix by E. Amato)


  • Gianluca Ventrella Université de Nantes




Dio of Prusa, Domitian, Roman Law, exile, contumacia, ademptio bonorum


The analysis of Dio Chrysostom’s 13th oration allows a new hypothesis regarding the controversial ‘story’ of his exile. Accused of being an accomplice in a conspiracy against the Emperor Domitian, most likely, Dio did not face the trial, owing to a wellfounded fear of being condemned to death (poena capitalis). Absent, he became an adnotatus requirendus, forced to disguise himself as beggar and to long wanderings far from Rome and his homeland, where the local authority wanted him and where his property was temporarily confiscated.


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How to Cite

Ventrella, G. (2009). Was Dio of Prusa actually sentenced to exile? The 13th Oration: between literary idealization and historical-legal reconstruction (with an Apendix by E. Amato). Emerita, 77(1), 33–56. https://doi.org/10.3989/emerita.2009.v77.i1.305


