Manuscript bases of the conjectural practice in the Aldine Edition of Caesar’s Bellum Gallicum (Venice 1513)


  • Antonio Moreno Hernández UNED



Conjectural criticism, Iulius Caesar, Aldine edition, Giovanni Giocondo


The critical tradition of Caesar’s Commentarii ascribes many conjectures of great textual value to Giovanni Giocondo. However, a remarkable number of these corrections, which are usually considered emendationes ope ingenii of the Aldine edition, are based on the previous manuscript tradition. After outlining the main features of Giocondo’s conception of the conjecture, as it is asserted in the Praefatio of the Venetian edition, in this article it is proven that a stratum of the conjectural practise of the Bellum Gallicum of the Aldine edition has an earlier origin, since it is already documented in a twelfthcentury manuscript, the Oxford, Merton Coll. 307. The present study analyses a group of corrections, which are commonly attributed to the 1513 edition, but which, in fact, have been previously documented in this twelfth-century manuscript.


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How to Cite

Moreno Hernández, A. (2009). Manuscript bases of the conjectural practice in the Aldine Edition of Caesar’s Bellum Gallicum (Venice 1513). Emerita, 77(2), 223–245.




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