Morpho-semantic rereading of the Etruscan term TUŚURΘI(R)


  • Roberto López Montero Instituto de Filología Clásica y Oriental "San Justino"



Etruscan Morphology, cultural method, lexicon of kinship


The Etruscan term tuśurθi(r) has been interpreted up to the date as a nominative and translated as ‘consort’. A detailed analysis of morphology in this term and, especially, a comparative study with syntactic Etruscan structures and with elements of cultural Greco-Roman method, they allow to see, in clear continuity with the intuitions of Pallottino and Rix, a plural locative in the same one. This hypothesis helps to confirm, in addition, the hierarchy of animated nouns in the distribution of the different marks of plural in Etruscan.


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How to Cite

López Montero, R. (2009). Morpho-semantic rereading of the Etruscan term TUŚURΘI(R). Emerita, 77(2), 317–330.


