From the Peloponnesian War to the King’s Peace (II): elements of Athenian citizenship


  • Domingo Placido Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • César Fornis Universidad de Sevilla



citizenship, rights, participation, exclusion, dependence, oligarchy, democracy


The article discusses the problems and tensions surrounding the definition of Athenian citizenship at the end of fifth century and early fourth century BC, which are related to the evolution in forms of dependence after the Peloponnesian War. Citizenship rights, alongside personal leadership questions and public and private economic factors, analyzed in other works, reveal a complex but consistent picture of the Athenian society, in which all of these elements interact and explain each other.


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How to Cite

Placido, D., & Fornis, C. (2010). From the Peloponnesian War to the King’s Peace (II): elements of Athenian citizenship. Emerita, 78(1), 53–65.




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