Virtual motion verbs in Ancient Greek


  • José Miguel Jiménez Delgado Universidad de Sevilla
  • Rafael Martínez Vázquez Universidad de Sevilla



virtuality, virtual motion, motion verbs, descriptive text type, generic temporal-aspectual reference, anticausative active


This paper is a study of motion verbs employed in the so-called «virtual motion constructions» in Ancient Greek. The authors claim that these constructions involve a metaphorical projection and explore the role of metaphor in the syntactic construction and use of the voices. Besides, generic reference and stativity associated with virtual motion verbs are explained with reference to the descriptive character of these constructions and the descriptive text type in which they tend to appear.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Delgado, J. M., & Martínez Vázquez, R. (2011). Virtual motion verbs in Ancient Greek. Emerita, 79(2), 277–300.




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