Journal Sections


Articles must be rigorously original and unpublished. They should not be subject to
evaluation by another journal at the time of submission or during the evaluation process. They should not be publicly available in any format. It is the author's responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce images or any other auxiliary material of which he/she is not the owner, as well as to ensure that any mention in this respect appears in the form required by the owner.

The length of the articles, except in consultation with the Editor, shall not exceed 24 pages in the format of the template provided, i.e. an average of approximately 60,000 characters, notes and spaces included.

Both its content and its formal adequacy to the journal's criteria will be subject to evaluation by at least two specialists using the double-blind system, and its acceptance will be conditional on their opinion. The Editor will communicate the result of this evaluation to the author within a maximum period of six months.

The authors of accepted articles will receive a copy of the proofs in PDF file by e-mail, which will be returned, duly corrected, to the Editorial Office of the journal within a maximum period of fifteen days.


This section will include scientific texts, which must be rigorously original and unpublished, also evaluated by at least two specialists. Their length should preferably not exceed 6 pages in the format of the template provided (equivalent to approximately 15,000 characters, notes and spaces included). The decision on whether or not to publish will be communicated to the author within a maximum period of six months. The Editorial Board may assign to this section, without prior consultation with the authors, those articles considered to be more appropriate for this section.


This section will occasionally publish texts with information of interest on the thematic area of the journal, which will not be subject to peer review.

Reviews: Critical editions and philological technique

The maximum length of a review is 6,000 characters, spaces included. Only reviews requested by the editorial team will be accepted.

Reviews: Linguistics

The maximum length of a review is 6,000 characters, spaces included. Only reviews requested by the editorial team will be accepted.

Reviews: Literature and Philosophy

Reviews will be limited to a maximum of 6,000 characters including spaces. Only reviews requested by the editorial team will be accepted.

Reviews: History, religion and society

Reviews should be no longer than 6,000 characters including spaces. Only reviews requested by the editorial team will be accepted.