The cosmogony of Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Orphic Rhapsodies




Ovid, Metamorphoses, Latin Epic, Orphic texts


The aim of the paper is to study the cosmogony of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, within the framework of the literary and philosophical tradition of cosmogonies. After a reflection on the cosmogonies in ancient literatures and on the role of the Ovidian in the poem, the proem of Metamorphoses and various aspects of the cosmogony are examined: (1) the description of the initial state of the cosmos and the concept of Chaos; (2) the proposed consideration of a new Greek model, viz Orphic Rhapsodies; (3) a quick reference to Met. I 9; (4) An allusion to the meaning of iners, and (5) reflections on deus et melior natura, to end with some concluding remarks.


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How to Cite

Bernabé, A. (2018). The cosmogony of Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Orphic Rhapsodies. Emerita, 86(2), 207–232.




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