Rereading Eumolpus: a revised autochthony


  • Pasqua De Cicco Université de Nantes



Eumolpus, Eleusis, Athens, Megara, Thrace, synoecism


The study proposes an examen of the genealogies related to the mythical figure of Eumolpus, in the light of the gap between the local Eleusinian tradition, linked to a remote megarian past and the archaic and classic propaganda of Athens, which transforms the hero into the main (barbarian) character of the wars of Eleusis. The projects aims to demonstrate the continuity between the Eleusinian Eumolpus, progenitor of the ierophantic family, and the homonymic Thracian warrior who opposes to Athens.


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How to Cite

De Cicco, P. (2015). Rereading Eumolpus: a revised autochthony. Emerita, 83(1), 1–22.


