An unusual literary document: the Mnesiepes Inscription (fragment E1II)


  • Violeta Gomis García Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Mnesiepes, Archilochus, greek epigraphy, literary inscription, folktale


The Mnesiepes inscription is a well known epigraphical document in studies of Archilocheian tradition. However it is time to examine this inscription itself, separately, because it is a complex literary text written by somebody cultured, at a particular time, in a specific space, in order to perform a very special function in hellenistic Paros. The text of this inscription provides information about Archilochus and his importance after his death, but also about the social, cultural and religious condition of the island in the 3rd century B.C.


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How to Cite

Gomis García, V. (2015). An unusual literary document: the Mnesiepes Inscription (fragment E1II). Emerita, 83(1), 111–132.


