The Greek origins of a Pisidian city: Selge, Sparta and Calchas


  • Héctor Arroyo Quirce Universidad de Salamanca



Hellenic identity, syggéneia, kinship, foundation legends, Selge, Pisidia, Sparta, Calchas


An inscription and a coin from imperial times prove the close relationships between the Selgians of Pisidia and the Lacedaemonians of Peloponnese. These relationships are based on a kinship (syggéneia) which was forged in hellenistic times as a consequence of Alexander the Great´s conquests. Many indigenous communities of Anatolia, which are eager to see their Hellenic identity recognised and to join the culture of power, seek or create legends in order to tie their origins to the Greek world. In this context, the Selgians establish a kinship with the Lacedaemonians, as Polybius says. According to Curty´s conclussions (1995, 2001), its basis should be mythical, but Strabo´s words, who adds Calchas as its first founder, seem to point out a colonial link. In the next lines, it is analysed the meaning and the aim of the Selge´s Spartan kinship and of Calchas as its mythical founder. In addittion to this, we look for their real and fictional background.


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How to Cite

Arroyo Quirce, H. (2016). The Greek origins of a Pisidian city: Selge, Sparta and Calchas. Emerita, 84(1), 51–71.


