Echoes of Plato’s Ion in the writings of Philo of Alexandria


  • Carolina Delgado CONICET



hermeneutics, Alexandrine Hellenism, divine inspiration


The aim of the present paper is to identify the presence of Plato’s Ion contained in Philo of Alexandria’s writings, carrying out a intertextual analysis, which means focusing on the platonic places that echo in the Alexandrine’s text; this a field work that, unlike other Platonic dialogues, has not yet been explored in research dedicated to the Alexandrian. The results of this analysis are relevant for stating if, and how much, Philo has made use of the platonic motive of divine inspiration and, according to this, for concentrating on this topic.


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How to Cite

Delgado, C. (2016). Echoes of Plato’s Ion in the writings of Philo of Alexandria. Emerita, 84(1), 73–97.


