Seduction of prostitution? Lysias, Defence on the Murder of Eratosthenes




Lysias, prostitution, adultery, oratory, citizenship


I offer a new interpretation of the first speech from the Lysias collection, On the Murder of Erastothenes. I propose that the adultery that led to Erastothenes’ death was consented and that, as such, this case is closer to prostitution than the seduction of a young wife by a Casanova. I believe that, in this way, the circumstances referred to in the narration and the argumentation of the speech are much better explained. This interpretation is related to the known legal regulations regarding prostitution in recent publications on prostitution in Greece, including that of female citizens, which was more common than is usually thought.


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How to Cite

Cortés Gabaudán, F. (2017). Seduction of prostitution? Lysias, Defence on the Murder of Eratosthenes. Emerita, 85(1), 27–48.




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