Observations on the uetus translatio of the Aristotelian treatise De insomniis and its rewriting by William of Moerbeke





Aristotle, De insomniis, Digby 103, Vat. Gr. 253, Marc. Gr. 214, Calcidius, Moerbeke


After a brief consideration of the main linguistic features of the medieval uetus translatio of Aristotle’s De insomniis, including a collation of the old manuscript Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 103, our paper tries to explain from a stemmatic point of view the peculiarities and the most probable provenance of the Greek model of this translation, by paying attention to some new observations on the manuscripts Vat. Gr. 253 and Marc. Gr. 214. We review the arguments of Drossaart Lulofs concerning the authorship of the noua translatio and we examine some aspects of the wording of Moerbeke’s recognitio.


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How to Cite

Escobar, Ángel. (2018). Observations on the uetus translatio of the Aristotelian treatise De insomniis and its rewriting by William of Moerbeke. Emerita, 86(1), 51–70. https://doi.org/10.3989/emerita.2018.03.1705




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