Words for envious: a new Latin inscription from Roman Africa





Latin Inscription, Magical Nail, Roman Africa, Vulgar Latin, Envy, Magic, Apotropaic


The goal of this paper is to offer a lecture of an unpublished Latin inscription carved on a bronze nail that is currently kept at The Hunt Museum, Limerick (Ireland). The allegedly incomprehensible text and its medium had been previously related to a Modern Age masonic and/or drinking context. However, we propose to read the inscription as a 4th-5th century A. D. protective text against envious people, which was written in Vulgar Latin and engraved on a magical nail from the Roman province of Africa.


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How to Cite

Alfayé Villa, S., & Fontana Elboj, G. (2018). Words for envious: a new Latin inscription from Roman Africa. Emerita, 86(1), 163–172. https://doi.org/10.3989/emerita.2018.09.1707



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