On Catullus’ Choliambics. Strophic Structures





Catullus, choliambics, strophic structu


The characteristic features defining Catullus’ use of choliambics have been traditionally explained by referring to the renovation of the Greek models performed by the Roman poet. However, Catullus not rarely engages his creative ability to enrich this metrical form with original features, turning it thereby into a suitable medium for literary experimentation. So, for example, the thematic division of the poems is usually accompanied by a stanzaic structure defined by the repetition of metrical patterns within the poem. This is already in itself important for understanding the sophistication of Catullian poetic creation and conception. Ιn addition it may help us clarify other issues such as establishing a relative chronology for the composition of these pieces or even solving some problems in fixing the text.


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How to Cite

Valverde Abril, J. J. (2023). On Catullus’ Choliambics. Strophic Structures. Emerita, 91(2), 297–316. https://doi.org/10.3989/emerita.2023.05.2320


