The messenger’s speech in Euripides’ Orestes


  • M. Carmen Encinas Reguero Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea



Greek tragedy, Euripides, Orestes, messenger-speech, narration


Orestes includes two messenger’s speeches, each one placed in each of the two parts of the play, into which it is possible to divide the tragedy. Both speeches are peculiar in opposition to the messenger’s habitual speeches of the Greek stage, because there is in them a union of conventional features with the proper ones of other tragic elements (ag.n and monody respectively), which reverberates in both cases in the authority of the speech. Since both parts of Orestes represent respectively different temporary and spatial planes, the peculiarities of the messenger’s speeches point also, in my opinion, towards questions of content on different levels (not only on the literary level, but also on the historical and political one).


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How to Cite

Encinas Reguero, M. C. (2011). The messenger’s speech in Euripides’ Orestes. Emerita, 79(1), 131–154.


