Epithets and phrases of epic appearance in Aristophanes’ comedies


  • Luis M. Macía Aparicio Universidad Autónoma de Madrid




Aristophanes, epithets, apparent epicisms


When reading Aristophanes’ comedies, we find many epithets that, because of their formation and meaning, bear resemblance to those that are characteristic of the epic language. In our opinion, this fact proves the relevance of epic in the time of Aristophanes and the ease of the public being able to grasp the allusions made to that genre, which allows the playwright to bring about their laughter at its expense. When analyzing these apparent epicisms, we find that some of them are indeed traditional and are used in the epic poetry and, occasionally, in the lyric and dramatic poetry previous to or contemporaneous with Aristophanes; others can be labelled as Aristophanic epicisms because they are only found in late epic or are totally or partially absent in other writers; finally, some of them are only apparent epicisms, since they are not used in epic but in lyric, especially in hymnic poetry.


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How to Cite

Macía Aparicio, L. M. (2011). Epithets and phrases of epic appearance in Aristophanes’ comedies. Emerita, 79(2), 229–250. https://doi.org/10.3989/emerita.2011.10.1017




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