Sulpiciana III: the progymnasmatic exercises of Sulpicius Victor


  • Ramón Gutiérrez González Universidad de Bolonia



Sulpicius Victor, Rhetoric, progymnasmata, textual criticism


This paper deals with Sulp. Vict., Rhet. 3, pp. 314.34-315.4 Halm, a passage in which the Latin rhetorician Sulpicius (undoubtedly following his source, the Greek Zeno) lists a certain number of progymnasmata. After studying each of them following the ancient rhetorical textbooks (mainly Greek), and examining their links with Sulpicius’ concepts of thesis and hypothesis, we will propose the emendation hypothesin on p. 315.3, considering therefore as thesis the progymnasmata known as ἀνασκευὴ καὶ κατασκευή, χρεία, ἐγκώμιον καὶ ψόγος and θέσις; and as hypothesis, those called νόμος and τόπος.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez González, R. (2011). Sulpiciana III: the progymnasmatic exercises of Sulpicius Victor. Emerita, 79(2), 325–340.




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