About the meaning of τραχύς in TLocri 15.15: what is «rough pitch»


  • Julián Méndez Dosuna Universidad de Salamanca




semantic change, Epizephyrian Locri, pitch


The form τραχεος in TLocri 15.15 has been variously interpreted as denoting a rough terrain, a fraction of a starter or a type of pitch: «hard» pitch as an alternative term for what was commonly called «dry» pitch (πίττα ξηρά). This paper tries to demonstrate that τραχεος must actually refer to pitch «in the rough» that has not yet been processed and refined (πίττα ὠμή).


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How to Cite

Méndez Dosuna, J. (2012). About the meaning of τραχύς in TLocri 15.15: what is «rough pitch». Emerita, 80(2), 245–256. https://doi.org/10.3989/emerita.2012.12.1215




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