Ovid’s Aeneid. A new interpretation





Virgil, Ovid, Ovid’s Aeneid


In this paper we explain, taking account of the ovidian treatment of the Aeneid of Virgil, that the ovidian Aeneid, in opposition to the hitherto defended opinion – that included from the book XIII 623 to the XIV 608 – embraced part of the book XIII, verse 623-690 and the books XIV and XV 1-860 of the Metamorphoses. The ovidian increase comes into being from the transformation of vergilian prophecies into history.


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How to Cite

Estefanía, D. (2018). Ovid’s Aeneid. A new interpretation. Emerita, 86(2), 253–276. https://doi.org/10.3989/emerita.2018.03.1734




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