Polysemy or Homonym: Study of the Verb ἰάπτω through the Literary and Lexicographic Sources





Semantics, Lexicographical sources, Exegetical sources, Literary sources, Modern dictionaries


In the field of modern lexicography, there is a lack of consensus regarding the semantics of the verb ἰάπτω and whether it should be considered a polysemous verb or presents homonymy. This discrepancy, as we will see in the article, is not exclusive to modern dictionaries but originates as a result of different interpretations within late antique and Byzantine lexicographical sources. The present study aims to conduct a comprehensive semantic analysis of the verb ἰάπτω, examining both its usage in Greek literature and the interpretations of ancient Greek lexicographers and exegetes. The purpose of the study is, first, to determine the lexical meanings expressed by this verb; second, to establish how it should be conceptualized, incorporating, when necessary, the predicative framework; and finally, to clarify the issue concerning its conception as a polysemous or homonymous verb.


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How to Cite

Pérez Moro, D. (2024). Polysemy or Homonym: Study of the Verb ἰάπτω through the Literary and Lexicographic Sources. Emerita, 92(1), 1308. https://doi.org/10.3989/emerita.2024.1308




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Grant numbers PID2019-105102GB-I00