Σωφροσύνη (αὐτή) in Julian’s Panegyric in honour to Eusebia, a depiction in context


  • M. P. García Ruiz Universidad de Navarra




σωφροσύνη, Emperor Julian (331- 363 d. C.), greek panegyrics, Empress Eusebia (†360), Pudicitia (Augusta), Penelope


This paper analyses the virtue of σωφροσύνη in Julian’s Panegyric in honour to Eusebia, particularly Eusebia’s representation as Σωφροσύνη αὐτή. It is explored as a potential link between Σωφροσύνη αὐτή and an iconographic model called Pudicitia, spread over the Western and Eastern Roman Empire, as well as the relationship of Eusebia to Penelope, Ulises’ wife, in order to find the ultimate meaning of this depiction.


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How to Cite

García Ruiz, M. P. (2012). Σωφροσύνη (αὐτή) in Julian’s Panegyric in honour to Eusebia, a depiction in context. Emerita, 80(1), 69–87. https://doi.org/10.3989/emerita.2012.05.1112


