HAVE-perfects in Post-classical and Early Byzantine Greek


  • Klaas Bentein Ghent University




Ancient Greek, perfect, periphrasis, diachrony, register


In this article, I analyze the use and development of periphrastic perfect constructions with the Ancient Greek verb «have» (ἔχω) in Post-classical and Early Byzantine Greek. To be more specific, I discuss the following four constructions: (a) ἔχω with active/middle aorist participle (anterior); (b) ἔχω with passive perfect participle (resultative); (c) ἔχω with passive aorist or present participle (resultative) and (d) ἔχω with active/middle aorist or present participle and a temporal adjunct (anterior). My analysis is based on a register-balanced corpus of texts, whereby I distinguish between works of a «low», «middle» and «high» register.


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How to Cite

Bentein, K. (2013). HAVE-perfects in Post-classical and Early Byzantine Greek. Emerita, 81(1), 151–182. https://doi.org/10.3989/emerita.2013.08.1130


