Ecloga haec paene tota Theocriti est: reflections on Vergil’s Ecloga VII




Vergil’s Eclogue VII, Theocritus, Neoteric poetry, Gallus


Vergil’s Eclogue VII, judged paene tota Theocriti by Servius, is instead a poem rich of original features, in which Theocritus is a basis for further comparisons. In this way the Latin poet is able to show and to highlight the novelty of his bucolic production, that is influenced also by other models, among which there are the most modern trends of the contemporary Latin poetry.


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How to Cite

Gagliardi, P. (2019). Ecloga haec paene tota Theocriti est: reflections on Vergil’s Ecloga VII. Emerita, 87(1), 83–98.




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