The Catalogue of the Suitors of Penelope (Apollod., Ep. VII 26-30): Literary Tradition and Erudite Creation




Catalogues, the suitors of Penelope, cento, Odyssey, Apollodorus the mythographer, Homeric scholarship


The catalogue of Penelope’s suitors transmitted by Apollodorus is an interesting case for studying the origin and functioning of the lists of names in the scholarly and mythological tradition. Apollodorus mentions 129 names, whereas the Odyssey only names 14 suitors, a fact that, together with the little mythological consistency of these characters outside the Homeric poem, seems to relegate this catalogue to the field of simple creation, rather than real tradition. However, the study of the names of the list and the comparison with other catalogues, some of them transmitted on papyri, allows us to recognize some of the criteria used to compile the list, such as the interpretation of Homer’s text itself, and some further compositional strategies that can be compared with the practice of the cento. In this sense, we can appreciate that, also in this very specific case, the erudite creation has a strong connection with tradition.


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How to Cite

Acerbo, S. (2021). The Catalogue of the Suitors of Penelope (Apollod., Ep. VII 26-30): Literary Tradition and Erudite Creation. Emerita, 89(2), 227–249.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers PID2019-108931GBI00