The song of Chiron and the ethos of music. Note on Silius Italicus XI 453-458


  • Antonio Río Torres-Murciano Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Flavian epic, Silius Italicus, textual criticism, ancient music and education


Despite the transpositions proposed by several editors, lines XI 453-458 of Silius Italicus’ Punica, which attribute to the Centaur Chiron a cosmological song, make sense if they are understood as a literary stylization of ancient doctrines about the moral effects and pedagogical value of music.


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How to Cite

Río Torres-Murciano, A. (2012). The song of Chiron and the ethos of music. Note on Silius Italicus XI 453-458. Emerita, 80(2), 387–399.



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