Condensing cultural knowledge in 7th-century Spain: The «inventors of letters» in Julian of Toledo’s Ars grammatica




inventors of letters, Julian of Toledo, Eugenius II of Toledo, Isidore of Seville, condensation of cultural knowledge, «Isidorian renaissance»


The Ars grammatica attributed to Julian of Toledo contains two paragraphs (II 1.3–4) on the inventors of the respective alphabets that had played a role of importance in the literate cultures surrounding the Mediterranean. Both paragraphs first present the information in question-and-answer format and subsequently quote a poetic exemplum. The second exemplum reproduces carmen 39 by Julian’s teacher Eugenius II of Toledo, which is itself based on Isidore of Seville’s synthesis of «pagan» and Christian learning. The present contribution reconstructs the process of condensation and codification leading up to the relevant paragraphs in Julian’s Ars grammatica, and draws a number of conclusions regarding the intellectual climate of 7th-century Spain.


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How to Cite

Denecker, T. (2018). Condensing cultural knowledge in 7th-century Spain: The «inventors of letters» in Julian of Toledo’s Ars grammatica. Emerita, 86(1), 151–162.


