Nihil addo, ducas licet. The addictio of the iudicatus in a Novius’ Atellan (fr. 115 Ribbeck3 = 110 Frassinetti)




legis actio per manus iniectionem, addictio, in diem addictio, uindex, fabula Atellana, Novius, Latin comedy


This atellan fragment, whose context is the scenic representation of the addictio of an insolvent debtor to his creditor in accordance with the legis actio per manus iniectionem, is analyzed regarding other sources of legal significance that may show the survival of this personal execution procedure in the s. I BC, as well as with other passages of the Latin comedy —belonging to Novius himself and to Plautus— in which this legal situation is used as a comic resource. The phrase nihil addo is intentionally ambiguous because it may be understood as «I say nothing more», but also as «I do not pay a larger sum», either because the character who pronounces it has mistakenly assumed that it is an auction with an in diem addictio agreement, or because he is not willing to act as uindex of the debtor in order to substract him from the addictio.


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How to Cite

Hernández Pérez, R. ., & Valiño Arcos, A. . (2022). Nihil addo, ducas licet. The addictio of the iudicatus in a Novius’ Atellan (fr. 115 Ribbeck3 = 110 Frassinetti). Emerita, 90(2), 353–360.


